The impact of psoriasis
on women

While the prevalence of psoriasis is similar, the impact varies significantly across genders.

Women experience a greater subjective disease burden than men,1–3 which could impact their plans to start a family.

It is vital that healthcare professionals, like you, are aware and responsive to the specific issues faced by women living with psoriasis. In doing this, you can help your patients to manage their disease effectively, in a way that matches their needs and expectations.

Want to learn more about tailoring care towards women in your clinical practice?

The following materials provide an excellent summary of the data to support this, alongside practical tools to help you and your patients achieve optimal disease management and treatment they deserve.

How did we get here? Patient-reported outcomes are important in treatment decisions. Watch to learn how psoriasis guidelines have changed over time

Professor of Dermatology, Francesca Prignano (University School of Florence, Italy), explores how managing psoriasis for women of childbearing age has changed, and how this journey has led to today’s priorities and guidelines.

Watch video

Download information about the impact of psoriasis on women

Do you know how psoriasis uniquely affects women? Read on to find out

Developed by a panel of expert dermatologists, this one-page summary of key data highlights the increased burden of disease in women living with psoriasis, and the clinical considerations associated with this.


How do psoriasis comorbidities affect women? Our panel of experts review the latest literature

An interactive resource summarizing findings from a literature review conducted by a panel of experts on the most common comorbidities encountered in women with psoriasis and what this means for clinical practice.


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Personalized care and shared decision-making

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Family planning conversations

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  1. van der Schoot LS, et al. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2019;33(10):1913–1920.
  2. Gottlieb AB, et al. Int J Womens Dermatol. 2019;5(3):141–150.
  3. De Simone C, et al. G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2020;155(4):434–440.